Inclusivity and Availability
Printed literature is inclusive
and readily available for all
patients and consumers.
MLPS advocates for robust and accessible delivery of product information and instructions for use of all medicines to all patients in Europe regardless of their location or circumstances and without risk of compromise to their personal data.

Alternative Channels
We support the use of alternative information channels when this complements information on paper & provides increased value to patients and consumers
without compromise
or risk to them in any way.

Research demonstrates very strongly that the best route to deliver medicine information
is through a written, standardised leaflet provided with every medicine at the point of
purchase or issue.
Continued Use of Printed Leaflets is Important
Printed leaflets are the failsafe method to ensure
medicine information reaches all patients -
regardless of their digital literacy and access.
This is crucial for older citizens who represent the majority of
medicine users with the most complex needs –
this is the group with the lowest rate of digital literacy in the EU.
Printed leaflets provide for a sustainable, fast and
direct way of accessing critical medical information in all circumstances -
reducing risks of drug misuse and the subsequent cost impacts to society.