A role for alternative channels
MLPS supports the availability of medication information through alternative channels, such as in electronic form, when this complements information on paper and provides increased value to patients and consumers without compromise or risk to them in any way.
Digital channels can be part of a better solution for patients - harnessing innovation-led solutions, is essential to enable a smart and dynamic future. But this must guarantee positive results for all EU citizens, especially for sensitive and more vulnerable individuals, this minority cannot be left behind.
MLPS calls for clear and unambiguous rules ensuring the highest level of patient safety that mandates:
the use of accessible, relevant and understandable printed medical information for drug products;
provisions that clearly identify the complementarity of printed and electronic information, where electronic patient information (ePI) can improve patients experience, ease caregivers’ burdens and liabilities by complementing printed leaflets.
an in-depth risk and impact analysis (including a transparent consideration of costs and environmental impacts) of the use of ePIs that fully considers needs of users, burdens upon care providers, prescribers and all healthcare professionals
Printed leaflets also eliminate the risks of information loss through cyberattacks and provide for an additional measure in preventing counterfeiting, thanks to their technical nature of their construction.